Tuesday, May 31

seventeen and invincible

Watched POTC in 3D with Nicole and Faye this afternoon. It was entertaining, but I would've enjoyed it more had Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley been in it. Went hunting for clothes after that, then milk tea. Originally wanted Chatime but the queue was so long so we settled for Asian Avenue.

Took the bus to Taylor's Lakeside to meet Syin and Clar. I can't explain why, but the moment the campus came into view, I immediately loved it. Maybe it's because of its newness. Everything looks so clean and homely. They have Starbucks, Baskin-Robbins and other places for students to chill in between classes. Did I mention a saloon as well? Plus, it's very open (I prefer the outdoors) and students can go feed the fishes in the lake when they've nothing to do and want to pass time productively. And dayumm, the eye candy there is enough to send anyone into the dooms of diabetes. :D


spectator ions

I don't know what's up with strangers adding us up on Facebook. It ain't like Tumblr where more followers=more love.
This is not targeted to you, dear reader. It's to those whose second nature is clicking the oh-so-inviting "Add As Friend" button on random people's profiles in the database. Unless you fall into that category. haha, you probably don't. :)
Why bother checking out the status updates of people you don't know, browsing through their photos, reading what others have written on their walls? Exactly. Why the need for them to be on your already pregnant friend list, not surprisingly comprising mostly of people you don't personally know? That's a question not even a lifetime's worth of pondering can give me enlightenment and peace of mind.
You breathe oxygen too? We have so much in common.
The quote above (from Tumblr) is obviously to satirically spite those who try too hard to find common ground with another person.

We are of the same genus and species. Be my friend on Facebook! :) Oh wow.

Don't bother adding me on Facebook if I don't know you, for it will not be accepted. Fret not, it's nothing personal. I'm sure you're interesting but I'm saving space in my list for people whose existence make a difference in my life. It's exhausting declining friend requests on a weekly basis. Occasionally, I feel bad, so take it easy on me by not requesting to be accepted. Capeesh?

If I know you but not know know you, I won't accept your request either. I'm sure you understand what I mean. I'm anti-social like that, I'm sorry! :)

Time to continue my Nikita marathon. Bye! x

Monday, May 30

food, not-so-glorious food :/

I just realized I've not mentioned this before. The last time I checked, which was in March when I went for a full blood test, triglyceride levels in my blood were abnormally high. :/ Major shocker! The normal level is 1 point something, mine was a whopping 3.4. I'm terrified, to say the least, after googling possible outcomes for those with high triglyceride levels. It's just strange 'cause its effects do not manifest themselves via pimples or my BMI which is tending towards underweight and fulfilling the bare minimum for normal. I'm starting to wonder if I may have subconsciously eaten chunky peanut butter straight from the jar the night before the test itself. I hope I have! 'Cause then that would explain the anomalous test results. Nevertheless, even if I had, there's no harm in watching my eating habits now 'cause prevention is better than cure.

Sunday, May 29

credits to joycie for remembering

You not only stated the wrong formula, but you stated the formula wrongly!

Oh, how I miss Mr. Liong's witty remarks. Dear readers, he used to teach my friends and I Physics in Form 4 and 5. He takes sarcasm to a whole new level. For that and all the other reasons that we know only too well, his awesomeness knows no bounds.

Mr.Liong, I doubt you'll ever find my blog but if you're reading this, know that we miss you! :)

sweet disposition

Having Starbucks at Baskin Robbins:)

Spent the day at Midvalley with Chiah Syin and Elaine. They're respectively studying at Taylor's Lakeside Campus and KTJ. I love reuniting with fellow Lodgians. Around them, I feel at home. :) It absolutely breaks my heart to realize that we'll never be able to wear our uniforms, go to the same school, study in the same classroom and go through the bittersweet ups and downs of high school as one again. Or see each other everyday again for that matter. We sure went through a whole lot of things together-most moments remembered for being insanely hilarious, some painfully awkward, others downright embarrassing, but epic and priceless moments all the same.
Yes, for you, I'll go through high school all over again. :')

Saturday, May 28

nuff said

oh and

It's the first time I'm spending my holidays here in KL, as in I'm not going back to Kuching. Can't wait to go to Lagoon with the lovelies on Wed! ;)


I've found my ultimate weakness. I'm constantly striving to get things done in the shortest possible time. I keep a mental note of things to do and when I'm attending to something, my mind automatically prepares me for the next thing to be done, so much so that I lose track of what I'm supposed to be focusing my attention on at that point in time. I've especially noticed this about myself today, though I know it isn't the first time I've experienced it. I have to take things one step at a time, go easy on my mind and accept that it is unable to handle or actively process so much information simultaneously. This has nothing to do with stress. The culprit is rather my wanting to be over-efficient. And most of the time, I'm worried that I might forget to do certain things when I'm so absorbed in attending to current matters; other priorities then seep into my consciousness entirely of their own volition. I was going to put my clothes into the washing machine just now but ended up in the kitchen instead 'cause on the way, I briefly remembered that I had to refill my bottle next. -__- Gosh, I need to focus on the present.

no trouble sleeping

What am I supposed to do when the best part of me was always you?
And what am I supposed to say when I'm all choked up and you're okay?

Friday, May 27


We had to fill in a survey form for Psychology last week, in which we were to rate the importance of certain characteristics that we look for in a potential romantic partner. One thing lacking in that long list of about 20 positive attributes which I realized within seconds was a sexy, delicious accent. Seriously, who can resist that? I have the British accent in mind, just so you know. :)

it's friday, friday

But no, we do not need to get down on Friday.
Exams are officially over! :) Allow me to relate to you what basically happened over the course of the past 3 days (exam days)
  • I might have grown an ab or two from laughing so much, despite it being exam week and all.
  • I slept over at Amanda's. Which explicitly explains Point 1. Yup, I had to carry my bulky comforter over to her unit and stop assuming the whole time that passersby were staring. (We stay in separate towers). She shared in the utter embarrassment by accompanying me in moving my things over.
  • We had Oat Krunch for 3 suppers straight.
  • I was so relaxed, it didn't feel like we were having exams! :)

Tuesday, May 24

please don't stop the rain

Chemistry and English exams are on tomorrow. The need to actually prepare for a language exam confuzzles me. I'm supposed to be stressed to the point of pulling my hair out but then for some reason, I'm not. :) After all, at the end of the day, it is not that red '97%' imprinted onto your paper that matters, but the learning. Gaining of knowledge to be used in later life. Seriously, when we get older, nobody is going to give two hoots if you scored 48 or 84 in math when you were in college. This does not mean that we can slack off and live like there's no tomorrow each and everyday. To some extent, exams do test our comprehension on a subject, though not entirely. Think of it as a self-evaluation and not a torturous system solely introduced to deprive us of normal sleeping patterns and a social life. Exams are good in that they reveal to us what we don't know, and test our ability to put onto paper what we do know. As some say, the eternal struggle is to put into written words the concepts and theories that our minds have registered.

Okay, done showing my unconventional stand on exams. I'm currently in the library, not attending to the Chemistry course manual lying open in front of me. I'm obviously blogging from my phone instead. :) waiting for amanda's class to end- we're going to see a lecturer to clear some chemical doubts.

Sunday, May 22

intermediate compounds

I still wish high school never had to end. I can't even begin to list down the things I miss about school. Maybe it's the new environment here and all, that leads me back to square one. Arriving at this topic more times than is healthy. I don't know.

Some people touch our lives in very meaningful ways, and manage to do so in an alarmingly short period of time. It scares me to think that these people, if circumstances insist we must part ways, will slowly but surely cease to exist in our lives.

We tend to stick with people who find a way into the later part of our lives. This I believe to be true, simply because when we are young, we are constantly on the go. From pursuing further education in another city to getting an internship in another country, landing a stable job possibly on another continent and all the other obligatory stages in between, maintaining previous relationships is no easy job. Distance selfishly does not permit it. Time is another factor. Not seeing each other for too long diminishes even the strongest of relationships. By the end of all that moving around, we would most probably have found a person who complements us perfectly. Likely a person who has been on the same transitional journey towards realizing his/her dreams.

Settling down comes next, then the forging of new bonds with new people in the new place. These are the people who will stay with us the longest, as we'd have found a place in this world and would no longer be packing for someplace else.

Of course we do occasionally bump into old friends. Then comes the small chat at a cafe for an hour or so, and the inevitable, unintentional act of exiting each other's lives again, in the form of a goodbye, unknowingly said in an octave or two higher.

I wish we could select several people we've met along the way and locate them at our last stop so that they can stay in our lives for good.

Thursday, May 19

in spite of impending doom next week.

My white Apple earphones have gone missing, with a slim chance of returning. It is kind of a big deal, considering how often I use them. Maybe it's superficial to get all worked up over losing a pair of earphones. It's nowhere near as hopeless as poverty-stricken children worrying when their next decent meal will be. It's not losing earphones that troubles me, but the earphones. There are only a gazillion more out there to buy, but it doesn't help that I have an uncanny tendency to be sentimentally attached to certain things I use everyday. The only good thing out of this is that I won't feel the compelling need to watch series on my laptop every night now. Which is pretty convenient 'cause exams are next week.

Anyway, setting aside the aforementioned mishap, today somewhat stood out from the rest of my college days. Let's do a recap.
  • I've mastered the skill of doing my hair up with a pen, thanks to Nicole. She's such a darling. :)
  • In fact, she brought me to a place in college called 'The Atrium Garden' (which I never knew existed) where students can study. The environment's conducive so I'll be going there from now on when I've no classes. :)
  • Despite sitting just beside each other, Amanda and I discovered the superfluousness thrill of whatsapp-ing each other, by doing exactly that. Behold, the blatant manifestation of technology infiltrating our everyday lives. Or perhaps just the result of summing up 2 girls, intense boredom and their mad hope for class to be cancelled. :)
  • The pink flats I wore today received a bit too much uncalled-for attention. Lol, I didn't realize how bright the pink was when I first bought them.

Wednesday, May 18

chemistry needs me :/

I feel like an old person.
Haha that statement must have looked funny. Before your preconceptions get the better of you, hear me out. I've been listening to Lite and Easy a lot recently. And yup, lately I find myself subconsciously singing oldies. That's it. :) I've never taken a preference for contemporary music, save the ones that still bear meaning. On another note, don't you agree that it's pitifully unfortunate how some artists who produce such sensational, mood-lifting music do not receive the acknowledgement they deserve, while others who sell themselves by consistently composing songs with lyrics bearing next to nothing get to stand in the limelight? What this world needs is fresh, raw talents. For them to be showcased and be awed at. I'm not gonna mention any names in particular. :)
Hmm, I don't know what led to my probings of this subject. Here I am, rather pensively enjoying a nutritious cup of Spirulina oats to iTunes when it just entered my mind.

Monday, May 16


I had a dream last night and it featured a classmate of mine from 5 years back. What struck me odd was the fact that him and I had never been close. I haven't heard from him in so long. Heck, I can't even remember the last time we talked. Sure he was my friend, he'd often turn around to ask me Math in Form 1. I'd told him and he had threw in a compliment or two about my supposed intellect. That and the occasional borrowing of stationery on days he had woken up late, been in a rush and forgotten to bring his pencil case. It had been very convenient as I'd sat behind him and always had an extra of everything. Yup, I'd been a goody-two-shoes. Note the past tense. :) He'd joked about my pencil case being a stationery shop. So anyway, that was it. We'd never gotten to the personal stuff. Okay let's call him Tyler.
So in my dream, I had been standing at a long stretch of road and along it, there had been seats. Not many of them, not like the ones at a stadium where people anxiously gather to watch race cars glide noiselessly by. More of like a lemonade stand, except it wasn't. I don't know why there were random seats alongside the road. I'd absentmindedly left my phone there and was already heading away when I suddenly realized. I turned around in time to see a podgy boy mindfully clutching my phone in his fleshy hands, just about to break into a run. I let out a gasp of disbelief and instinctively sprinted towards the bobbing figure a few metres away from me. He could run pretty fast for someone with his bulk and stature. My legs gave way and from the corner of my right eye, I saw a flurry of colour. Adrenaline pumping through my veins, I blinked again and my mind registered that it was Tyler, and he was after the boy. I watched, bewildered at the sudden turn of events. His tan, toned legs moved in sync with each other, making the slightest contact against the hot road. The agile runner he was, he was light on his feet and had often represented our school in interschool track events. Within seconds, Tyler had caught the small of the boy's back and seized my phone. Tyler dashed back and handed it back to me. I remember the tangibility of the slight awkwardness that hung before I breathed a thank you. I looked at his face- 2 years worth of unspoken words instantaneously threatened to overflow. Speech seemed a painfully inadequate outlet to get everything out. Tyler barely managed to acknowledge my gratitude, he was stopped short by my alarm. He vanished, everything vanished and I was left to ponder the meaning of it all.

Sunday, May 15


♥ Special thanks to Nicole who told me the site to get songs for Blogger. :)

love remains the same.

Met up with the darlings today. Okay it was yesterday, it's 12.28 in the morning now. Ever since I moved to KL to study, I feel as though I've sorta lost my identity. In KL, I have to be mindful about how I behave. But with them, it's a whole different story altogether. I can let my guard down and act like a total idiot if I want to and still not be worried if I'm gonna be judged simply because we've grown into each other's quirks from spending so much time with each other. Upon talking and just hanging out with the girls today like we used to, it feels like I've found myself again. There's complete loosening of normal inhibitions. Lol, at this point you must be wondering how I act when the covers fall. Or when I'm around people with whom I feel comfortably at home with.

Tiff, Serena, Alicia & Joyce,
I really miss our sporadic outbursts of laughter in class or during lunch at the most random things, our insane talks about anything and everything from boys to potatoes, our silly inside jokes, our trademark catchphrases, expressions and hand gestures, our sharing of love via insults. I just miss our chemistry. Where else can I find camaraderie so indispensably strong?

Saturday, May 14

I could get used to this all over again.

So I just came back from KL 5 hours ago. It's freaking awesome to be home.

Homely things I have never consciously appreciated before furthering my studies abroad:
  • How easy it is to find food. There always seems to be something to munch on, no matter where. Jacob's /Julie's in the computer room, Milanos in the TV room, chocolate in my bedroom, etc.
  • Water at a just nice temperature, gushing down with full force in the shower.
  • Mad awesome Internet speed.
  • The cleanliness and order of the house.

Wednesday, May 11

postcard from mars.

Finally done with the citation-laden Psychology essay. Didn't think I'd say this, but at this point, I actually do enjoy paraphrasing lengthy texts. Transforming them into more intelligible paragraphs that maintain the original message in my preferred style of writing. Really, what is more satisfying than poring over writings of others and then comparing your rendition of the same composition to find that yours communicate the ideas more effectively or is so much easier to accept and absorb? (Okay that was a pretty long rhetorical question. Lol, at the back of my mind, I can list several more rewarding experiences. But it still doesn't change the fact that it's a wonderful feeling!) I'm not insinuating that our own penning is forever superior to others'. Preference of writing styles to get a message across differs from individual to individual. Certain words or phrases affect us more than others, makes us stop to ponder harder, captures our attention longer, and thus helps us to accept the propositions made in an essay more readily. Which explains why more often than not, we find that we grasp concepts so much faster if they're written in our own words. The words seem to jump off the page and fit into the curvature of our minds like lock and key. The minds of people working in so many different ways is indeed a fascinating psychological truth.

procrastination is the needle.

It's 12.44 in the morning and I'm still up on a weeknight. Why? Well I started around 10 and until now, I'm still paraphrasing a paragraph on 'response prevention condition' as a treatment for bulimia patients. That could be due to the fact that Amanda and I spent a good hour or so impersonating and gossiping exchanging views on our lecturers hahaha. So yeah we're both still alive and kicking at 12.44 on a very early Wednesday morning, trying to make sense of horrendously long Psychology-based articles on bulimia treatment. To break the monotony, I've come to write this! :)

Monday, May 9

guilty as charged

Mum and practically every authoritative figure in my life has been urging me time and time again to keep abreast of current happenings around the globe, or at least in this nation. It's much easier said than done. I wish I had the discipline to sit down and spend just 20 mins everyday to read the paper or keep myself updated online. Although I still find news inexplicably boring, I know that as much I absolutely abhor the idea of allocating time to connect with today's occurrences, the need to equip myself with contemporary issues is becoming increasingly inescapable, now that I'm already in college. It's difficult when there are just so many guilty pleasures beckoning you to attend to them. Sigh.

Sunday, May 8


I'll tell you what the end of the world will be like. It will be a final moment, both terrible and heartbreaking. Absolute chaos. People running as fast as they ever have, cars filling every road and freeway, phone lines backed up trying to process millions of calls, fingers flying over keyboards, thumbs texting like rapid fire, long lines of people trying to cram themselves into subways and airplanes. All of them trying to tell someone else, "I love you".

I cannot do distance.

I feel so accomplished. I successfully exited Pyramid empty-handed today. :) Technically, it was yesterday since it's past midnight. Hung out there this yday afternoon with the greatly missed friends studying in Taylor's now. Every single time we meet up, I cannot help but wonder how different things would've turned out had I not abruptly changed my mind at the very last minute to come to Sunway. Not that I don't think about this often. Trust me, I do, all the time. It just strikes me harder when we're all together again.
Honestly, I still don't know how it had happened. I had been pretty sure I'd be heading to Taylor's for SAM after SPM. Had already sorted things out things out with Eldarius so we could stay together with the approval of both our parents.
Then it just happened. Ask me tomorrow or in the next life, I still will not be able to explain how and why. I found myself packing for Sunway.
There's nothing lacking in this college save the the familiar, warm company of you all. You're my kind of people. :) Why had I believed myself to be strong enough to handle distance?
I second the footnote:)

Saturday, May 7

healthy obsessions

Internet speed at the condo I'm staying now is unbelievably slow and because of that I'm deprived of the latest Vampire Diaries eps! :( Wish I could fly back home and download the last 2 eps and come back here on monday in time for college. It's a 1 hr 45 mins flight only after all. Lol, the lengths I'll go to watch the season finale. :) Debby's the only other person here (who I know of) who watches the show but we're both on the same boat. Slow internet connection is such a buzz kill. Well, she and My Bio lecturer. I've been supplying him with the episodes from Season 1 right up to now hahaha.
Okay, if Damon dies (omg, even typing it out makes me shudder inside) I'm not watching Season 3 anymore. Lol, only 98% of the female viewers of the show and I, no? ;)
The sexier Salvatore!

Friday, May 6

hearts move on.

So I deleted my old Blogger and have decided to start anew with this one.
It's time for a change. For those of you who have read my previous blog, you're probably wondering why I did it since I mentioned some time last year that terminating that blog would be the last thing I'd do.
Well things change.

Sometimes the spontaneity of my thoughts and emotions shifting from one perspective to the next astounds me.