Monday, December 19

Tuesday, December 13

change is the only constant

People change. They really do. Since the dawn of time, change has been the driving force that has propelled humans into the era of civilization. People mature, adjust and refine themselves for the better.

Things that used to mean the world to you 2 years back do not matter now. Things you think you cannot live without now, will come to mean nothing to you in 10 years time. You'll probably laugh about it in the future.

Many things cause change. Time. Distance. People. Realization.
Change hurts. But without change, there can be no growth.

When we say things like “people don’t change” it drives scientists crazy because change is literally the only constant in all of science. Energy. Matter. It’s always changing, morphing, merging, growing, dying. It’s the way people try not to change that’s unnatural. The way we cling to what things were instead of letting things be what they are. The way we cling to old memories instead of forming new ones. The way we insist on believing despite every scientific indication that anything in this lifetime is permanent. Change is constant. How we experience change that’s up to us. It can feel like death or it can feel like a second chance at life. If we open our fingers, loosen our grips, go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline. Like at any moment we can have another chance at life. Like at any moment, we can be born all over again.

Monday, December 12

so this song is perfection.

And I told you to be patient
And I told you to be fine
And I told you to be balanced
And I told you to be kind

And in the morning, I'll be with you
But it will be a different kind
'Cause I'll be holding all the tickets
And you'll be owning all the fines

Come on skinny love, what happened here?

Tuesday, December 6

My biological clock has more issues than Vogue.

I've been burning the candle at both ends. Sleeping past 4am and waking up around 3pm for the past few days.

Saturday, December 3

"such a victim of circumstance"

I have never really understood what people are trying to say when they tweet things like "Why, hello there, December! Please be good to me!" or -even more outrageous- "December, hope you'll be less of a bitch than November!"

Sounds to me as though they're all big on the imponderables and perhaps pop psychology-Destiny/Fate/Kismet/the stars (whatever tickles your fancy). And that they have no role whatsoever in deciding how their lives will turn out to be. Frankly, it's utter bullshit to leave everything into God's hands. I mean, if each and every one of us is placed on this planet for a purpose, supposedly destined to be someone recognizable one day, why bother being up and about every morning and pretending we'd rather not be snuggled up in bed all day, catching up on How I Met Your Mother since our future is predetermined by the Universe? The ideal job for us will simply fall into our laps when the time is right anyway, right? Wrong. Heck, if that's how simplistic life is, the notion of chasing your dreams and fulfilling your potential would not even exist, much less heard of.

You are not defenseless against the reality you were thrown into and are now living in. Without a doubt, the happenstance factor does intervene in life, but not to that great an extent as to how we perceive and cope with adversity that comes our way- problems we have to solve, challenges we have to overcome, perplexities we have to understand and conflicts we have to resolve. Mind over matter. Be the change you want to see. Take life into your own hands. For you are the master of your own destiny.