Tuesday, May 31

spectator ions

I don't know what's up with strangers adding us up on Facebook. It ain't like Tumblr where more followers=more love.
This is not targeted to you, dear reader. It's to those whose second nature is clicking the oh-so-inviting "Add As Friend" button on random people's profiles in the database. Unless you fall into that category. haha, you probably don't. :)
Why bother checking out the status updates of people you don't know, browsing through their photos, reading what others have written on their walls? Exactly. Why the need for them to be on your already pregnant friend list, not surprisingly comprising mostly of people you don't personally know? That's a question not even a lifetime's worth of pondering can give me enlightenment and peace of mind.
You breathe oxygen too? We have so much in common.
The quote above (from Tumblr) is obviously to satirically spite those who try too hard to find common ground with another person.

We are of the same genus and species. Be my friend on Facebook! :) Oh wow.

Don't bother adding me on Facebook if I don't know you, for it will not be accepted. Fret not, it's nothing personal. I'm sure you're interesting but I'm saving space in my list for people whose existence make a difference in my life. It's exhausting declining friend requests on a weekly basis. Occasionally, I feel bad, so take it easy on me by not requesting to be accepted. Capeesh?

If I know you but not know know you, I won't accept your request either. I'm sure you understand what I mean. I'm anti-social like that, I'm sorry! :)

Time to continue my Nikita marathon. Bye! x

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