Wednesday, May 11

postcard from mars.

Finally done with the citation-laden Psychology essay. Didn't think I'd say this, but at this point, I actually do enjoy paraphrasing lengthy texts. Transforming them into more intelligible paragraphs that maintain the original message in my preferred style of writing. Really, what is more satisfying than poring over writings of others and then comparing your rendition of the same composition to find that yours communicate the ideas more effectively or is so much easier to accept and absorb? (Okay that was a pretty long rhetorical question. Lol, at the back of my mind, I can list several more rewarding experiences. But it still doesn't change the fact that it's a wonderful feeling!) I'm not insinuating that our own penning is forever superior to others'. Preference of writing styles to get a message across differs from individual to individual. Certain words or phrases affect us more than others, makes us stop to ponder harder, captures our attention longer, and thus helps us to accept the propositions made in an essay more readily. Which explains why more often than not, we find that we grasp concepts so much faster if they're written in our own words. The words seem to jump off the page and fit into the curvature of our minds like lock and key. The minds of people working in so many different ways is indeed a fascinating psychological truth.

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