Tuesday, May 24

please don't stop the rain

Chemistry and English exams are on tomorrow. The need to actually prepare for a language exam confuzzles me. I'm supposed to be stressed to the point of pulling my hair out but then for some reason, I'm not. :) After all, at the end of the day, it is not that red '97%' imprinted onto your paper that matters, but the learning. Gaining of knowledge to be used in later life. Seriously, when we get older, nobody is going to give two hoots if you scored 48 or 84 in math when you were in college. This does not mean that we can slack off and live like there's no tomorrow each and everyday. To some extent, exams do test our comprehension on a subject, though not entirely. Think of it as a self-evaluation and not a torturous system solely introduced to deprive us of normal sleeping patterns and a social life. Exams are good in that they reveal to us what we don't know, and test our ability to put onto paper what we do know. As some say, the eternal struggle is to put into written words the concepts and theories that our minds have registered.

Okay, done showing my unconventional stand on exams. I'm currently in the library, not attending to the Chemistry course manual lying open in front of me. I'm obviously blogging from my phone instead. :) waiting for amanda's class to end- we're going to see a lecturer to clear some chemical doubts.

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