Sunday, October 9

sometimes, i feel too much. other times, i don't feel at all.

Okay, so my last 2 posts were about people in general. What I don't like about them. Perhaps I've made an impression on you. And I don't blame you.
At times, when I go blog-walking, and read two subsequent posts on a person's blog expressing annoyance or utter incredulity at how people behave, I tend to be judgmental and brand that person as irritable, fixating too much on people's imperfections and as such not able to see the bigger picture in life, and all the other labels that are conjured up subconsciously and automatically upon taking in complaint after complaint of people's unreasonableness and/or lack of regard for common sense.

But now, being forced to be faced with the aforementioned human peccadilloes firsthand, I will think better of judging people based on what they choose to blog about the next time. People blog for many reasons. The most common purpose of blogging is, I believe, to immortalize thoughts, contemplations, cogitations or reflections on one's life, or life in general, on an online diary. People blog about things they feel strongly about. I don't see the point of blogging if you've nothing significant to say. Somehow I feel that there is an unwritten obligation to all bloggers: either you blog about something and make it meaningful or you don't blog at all.

So, naturally, now unlike before, I do not expect to read happy posts everyday by people whose blogs I faithfully follow. Life ain't a bed of roses. It has its ups and downs. What ticks people off, what makes their day, what excites them, what confuses them, basically anything under the sun that makes them feel will be put into words and expressed via a blog post.

If you have been following my blog and paying close attention to this post, maybe you'll figure out the reason behind my decline in blog posts as of late. I did say maybe!;)

1 comment:

  1. I love yr writing. So clear and evocative. Love yr new profile pic too, pretty!
